Remember two weeks ago when I posted about taking my Saturn to the shop to get a new alternator? After I got it back, it started acting REAL weird. It was making the WORST noises (drawing looks from everyone I passed), it started sputtering and shaking, and couldn't even accelerate up tiny hills. At one point I could only go to 40 on the freeway. The other drivers loved me, I'm sure.
I couldn't ignore my problem and hope it would go away anymore. So yesterday I took it back to the shop and had them look at it again. My roomie Jen Cope taught me how to drive stick shift in a high school parking lot last night (good times!) and then let me take her to work so I could use her car. The car place called me around 4 this afternoon. Here was our convo:
Dude: "So, hey, I have good news and bad news."
Me: "Um...ok."
Dude: "The problem is your engine. It's in real bad shape. You're going to need a new one."
Me: *fainting in shock at my desk*
(Crazy thoughts running through my head. Ack! I can't afford a whole new engine. What am I going to do? etc etc)
Dude: "Here's the good news...Saturn has recalled it. They will replace it once you take it to their dealership."
I whipped myself back into a sitting position and emitted a tiny shriek of joy right into his ear. No way!! What are the chances??? Oh my gosh, thank you Lord!!
So basically all I have to do is tow Mitchell to the nearest Saturn dealership and they will give me a new engine. Yesssssssss. Then my car will have a few more years in it. Yesssssssss. When I sell it, I can get more money because the engine will be newer. Yessssssss. Oh Saturn. Why have you put me through this turmoil? I was going kind of nuts these past few weeks over my car and the alternator and then all the problems after that. I had some naughty words in my mind to describe what I thought about their cars and their company. And now, GLORY BE, they have redeemed themselves to the highest degree by recalling my make and model's engine. How amazing.
The rest of my day I was giddy and blabbing my good news to anyone who would listen. This is such a huge answer to prayer!