Three things happened in the last 24 hours that I just felt like writing about. They have nothing to do with each other. Just random life occurrances and observations.
1) My talk. Last night I continued in our series we've been doing on "The 4 Loves". Two weeks ago I spoke on the first love: Child and Parent. Last night we talked about two more loves: the love between friends and the love between guy/girl relationships. There is one girl who came to the college group with a friend and I KNOW she didn't want to be there. She has been avoiding church and the college group and doing her own thing. I have totally been praying for her and I was so excited she came last night. So, I'm in the middle of my talk and I happen to look up...and see her text messaging someone!
Are you serious?? Yep, right in the middle of the talk.
She fully had her head down, phone out, looking at stuff, and texting. For like 15 minutes! My first instinct was to feel angry. As I think about it now, I still feel a little upset because I have never experienced anything like that (I felt kind of disrespected). And to make it harder, the girl who brought her to the group told me her friend had leaned over at one point when I was speaking and said, "This is bullsh--."
Man, it really bummed me out. But I keep thinking: she did not want to be there. She had no interest in hearing what was being said. She is really struggling in life right now and church was probably the last place she wanted to be. She was just there because her friend brought her. As soon as the talk was over, she took off out the back door.
I've been doing some thinking about this ever since last night. Amongst all the things I've thought, I know that I will keep praying for her.
2) Survivor 12 - Exile Island. Survivor is one of my favorite shows. The roomates and I are faithful watchers every Thursday night. I missed last week's episode because I went down to the lake for Wildlower but we had it taped. So this morning I watched it before I went to work. Ok, um, so I cried. Every Survivor, there is always an episode where they bring loved ones out. Like a spouse, or a mom or a dad, etc. If a suvivor wins a challenge, they get to spend time with their loved one.
So, it's like 9 in the morning and I'm watching the tape of these dirty, tired, grimy survivors who have been on their island for over 30 days, away from all the people they love. And from around the corner, their love ones start walking out. The looks on their faces seriously brought me to tears! I am such a sucker for things like that. I think I cry everytime I see that certain episode. I not only cried when they walked out, but I cried when the winners got to go forward and hug their loved one. You could see how much they loved them and it was a beautiful thing.
And then I had to wipe away my tears and just laugh at myself.
3) Tom Cruise. So every Thursday I go to lunch at my favorite Chinese food place in Aptos. The food is so delicious! And super inexpensive. The waiters all know me because I'm there every week and I'm always bringing friends. So I am eating my yummy food and reading the Good Times paper and there's an article on Mission Impossible III. My waiter, Eric (obviously not his Chinese name-his American name)comes by and sees the article.
Eric: "Oooh, have you seen it yet?"
Me: "What? Oh...no."
Eric: "Are you going to?"
Me: "No, probably not."
Eric: "I saw it last weekend. Very good!"
Me: "Really?"
Eric: "Yes. Lots of shooting." *makes gun with hands and shooting noises*
*I laughed*
Eric: "Do you like Tom Cruise?"
Me: "Actually, no."
Eric: (raises eyebrows) "No?? Tom Cruise...handsome man!!!"
He clapped twice to make his point and then walked away. It was such a random conversation and again I just had to laugh. Good times.