Monday, August 03, 2009

God-appointments in the Ladies Room

Do you ever strike up conversations with strangers? On a plane, waiting in line at the grocery store, at a coffeeshop?

I do sometimes. It depends on what mood I'm in. But I don't know if I've ever struck up a long conversation with someone in the restroom.

I won't go too into it, but I met a 49 year old woman named Stasha in the Chili's restaurant ladies room. What I thought was going to be a 20 second exchange of pleasantries turned into a 20 minute conversation, ending with an exchange of phone numbers and a plan to meet for coffee to continue.

As I rushed back to the booth where a patient college student was waiting, I kept thinking: it was no accident I went to wash my hands just then. A little God-appointment. And in such a random place.


Jody said...

I love it! Did the college student think you were going Number Two? "Sure, Sarah, you had a 20 minute conversation with a woman in the restroom. Okay."
Yea for meeting new people!

Smarshie said...

Ha ha! No, she saw us talking when we came out of the bathroom so she figured something like that had happened. She was so sweet and patient.

Amanda said...

I love meeting people like that! I'm so shy so it's hard for me to start a conversation, but I am able to I so enjoy it! I'm so glad you two met, I hope you're both a blessing to each other!!!