Monday, December 10, 2007

oh no they DIDN'T!

I was in my office with my intern Jeff...we were brainstorming a teaching series we want to do in the spring on Jesus...we couldn't think of a good title for the series so we decided to google "Jesus" and see if any inspiration hit...and we came across this...we screamed and laughed so hard, all our co-workers came running...



NixonsMamma said...

That is hilarious! yet sacreligious at the same time.

Smarshie said...

That's EXACTLY what I was thinking, Tira!! =)

Melissavina said...

Oh man. OOOOH man.
This is hilarious.
And terrible.

I just dressed him up like the New Year baby and felt guilty.

rené said...

holy crap. unbelievable. some people have WAY too much time on their hands. geez.

Smarshie said...

I think my new favorite prop is the "Happy 33!" balloons.