Friday, June 29, 2007

Less Known...But Not Less Important

Two weeks ago we kicked off the college group for the summer. This week we kicked off our summer teaching series: "Less Known...But Not Less Important". We have 4 teaching nights planned. We are going to highlight two men and two women from the Bible who no one has really heard of, but who still play an important role in the history of our faith. (For example, last night I taught on Jehosheba. She ROCKS! Read about her story in 2 Kings 11 when you get a chance)

To introduce the series, we made a video. You are going to get to watch it in about two minutes. But let me set it up for you: The main characters are Big Rob (the match-maker/"Hitch"-type character), David (who is obsessed over Kim), and Kim (his crush). They are all college students in the group. We call Rob "Big Rob" because he is 19 but 6'9". He's so great. I'm in it, too, but very briefly. Kim and I are at a meeting at Starbucks.

Anyway, copy and paste the link below and enjoy this lovely video. A few warnings:

1) It's long (10 minutes)
2) It's, non-professional. There are times when it's pretty slow. But oh well. We're just having fun, right? The whole idea behind the video was to show Rob as being less known in the David/Kim scenario, but just as important! (you'll see why)

Fun Fact: David and Kim are dating in real life! Woohoo! Love connection!!

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