Friday, September 11, 2009


It's another Fun Friday with my nephew Judah (aka: cutest baby in the world) and since he's down for a nap, I can tell you guys about Wednesday night and our Fall Kick-Off.

So I think I had put in previous posts that I was feeling overwhelmed, stressed, my to-do list was a mile long, etc. I get that way every year though, so it was nothing new. It was cool because anytime I would share that, people would stop and pray with me. Yeah! It was such a good reminder that this is the Lord's ministry. He's in charge. He'll bring the students he wants there. The Spirit will be working in their lives. The most important thing I can do for my students is to be connected to Him.

We started the Fall Kick-Off with some sweet 4 square. I don't know why, but they have totally gotten into 4 square recently. It started this summer and has been growing in popularity ever since.

While they were all playing outside, my amazing friend Jody was preparing dinner inside. I had no idea how many students would show up. I think we planned dinner for about 30-40. I think there were 50! So we were a little short on food, but who cares. We all got to eat and it was delicious.

We herded them into the garage and played telephone pictionary. PLEASE tell me you have played that is so fun.

After that we introduced all our student leaders, adult mentors, and our new intern Dan. Then I shared with the group our mission statement, core values, what this semester is going to look like, etc. And then to celebrate 09-09-09 we counted backwards and dropped a tennis ball from the ceiling at 9:09:09 p.m. like New Years Eve.

Hooray for a great fall kick-off!


Jody said...

Thank you so much for letting me be a part of it! It meant a lot. I had fun, and I am going to miss everyone.

Smarshie said...

Having you there made the evening even more special. Love you, Jods. =)