a good but long week
Dang, it's been a whole week since I last blogged. I've had all these blogs topics running through my head, but everytime I have time to sit down and type 'em up...I'm too tired. Oh well. Movin' on.
So yes, last week was very fun and very full. I'll give the quick run-through. Monday was meetings at work, hip-hop class, and dinner with roomies and friends. Tuesday after work I went to sushi with my college adult leaders. We had such a good time! Then I went to "Ladies Night" at a nearby coffeeshop (we do this every other Tuesday). Wednesday I had college group and afterwards when I went out to my car, I saw that my stduents had made Intern Jeff and I some fun signs. They had placed them in front of our cars. Super fun and creative. I stuck my sign in my trunk and if I ever need to reserve a parking spot for myself at church...I'm set!
Thursday was the beginning of the weekend o' fun. My two younger sisters (Liz and Emily) came into town and stayed with me overnight. We went downtown for a "Flashback Movie Night" at the big movie theater. They're starting this thing where every Thursday night at 8, they're showing fun movies from the past for only 5 bucks. This week was JURASSIC PARK! Dun dun DUNNNN!!! Can you believe that movie is 15 years old? Came out in 1993. It was fun watching it on the big screen with surround sound. Everyone in the theater was totally into it - laughing, screaming, clapping, gasping. I love that! It was one of my co-workers birthdays and he had invited everybody, so we had a big crew of people there in the theater to celebrate.
Liz and Em crashed at my place and then Friday we drove over to where my parents were staying for the weekend. (The reason my whole fam was in town was for a wedding we were all going to) I had lunch with them, went shopping for the wedding present, went home and cleaned the house, wrapped the present, and then got ready and drove to the wedding. My older sis Amy and her hubby David were there with the rest of the fam by the time I arrived. We all sat together and watched my dear friend, Jessica, get hitched. It was an outside wedding and very beautiful. Congratulations Sass and Rex!I sadly couldn't stay for the reception because I had to get back home for our....LADIES SLEEPOVER. On Friday night a group of college ladies came to my house (which is why I had to clean it) for a sleepover and a bunch of college guys went to another house to spend the night. The boyz wanted their sleepover to sound manly, so they called it the "Guys Manover". Cute.
We had a great time. We ordered pizza (and had a pizza delivered to the boys house that said "Girls Rule" in black olives), had a dance party, played games, made cookies, listened to music, etc. We also had the idea to make a cake for Intern Jeff because he was turning 25 the next day. The girls went crazy decorating it (it looked like a Jackson Pollack painting). At midnight we piled into cars and drove to where the guys were. We lit the candles and surprised all of them by walking in and singing "Happy Birthday"!! They were all playing video games, so we joined them for awhile. They even had Rock Band! Fun!!
We went back to my house and watched a girly movie and crashed around 3. (Zzzzz....too late for Granny Sarah) I made them all breakfast in the morning and then they took off around noon or 1. And then since my fam was still in town, I spent the day with them. We walked around, shopped, went to see a movie ("21" - about five MIT college students who go to Vegas and "count cards" to win thousands of dollars), had dinner at a fun Mexican place.
And THEN we went to ice cream at my favorite place nearby...and we ran into the bride and groom! Jessica and Rex were there getting ice cream! They didn't leave for their honeymoon till Monday so they were in town. My mom was so shocked to see them. She pulled into a parking spot, looked up and said, "There are the bride and groom!! Oh SH--!" which is awesome, because my mom is not a cusser.
Sunday I had church and afterwards went to "Park Day" (we all bring lunches to a park nearby and hang out). Then I did some work and went home and CRASHED big time. I was so pooped from the week and weekend. I slept for 11 hours and I woke up today still tired. I am contemplating taking a nap right now or not. Hmmmm...
Anyway, so thanks for reading about my life the past week. Good, full, sunny. (Can it be summer soon PLEASE!?!) I hope all of you are doing well and had enjoyable weekends, too. More blogs (that don't involve a blow-by-blow description of my schedule) to come. Love you all!
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