Sunday, June 17, 2007

Pomp and Circumstance

Well, it is finished. The last of the 4 sisters has graduated from college. Yes, my youngest sister Emily has joined the ranks of Bachelor of Arts. I drove down to San Luis Obispo on Thursday night and spent Friday with her: running errands, buying food, cleaning her house, a little mani/pedi action (yeah!).

And then Saturday was the Big Day. The whole fam, including relatives, got up early and drove to Cal Poly to get good bleacher seats. There was the usual beach ball throwing, bubbles, happy screaming and cheering, families yelling out names to show their graduate where they're sitting, flowers, decorated graduation caps, speeches, pictures, and video.

First pix is the sisters. Then, we have a fam pix. Back row is bro-in-law David and Daddio. Front row is sister Amy, me, Emily (the grad!), Liz, and Mamacita.

Then, we had a party for her back at her house (she lives on a ranch) with family and friends.
One of my favorite things about the party was we had tons of balloons but no string or ribbon to tie them. So we ended up using the only thing we could floss. Oh yeah!! Amy and I kept joking that after we finished eating, we could grab a "balloon string" and get the food that was stuck in our teeth.

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